Recently, a reel featuring Lillian went viral. Normally, I'd be thrilled with a couple thousand views on a reel... but somehow this one has reached over half a million views (at the time of me writing this it's over 600K now!). People loved the story of how Lillian, a single mother in Kenya's Kibera slums, through her own hard work of creating things and partnering with JustOne is changing her family's story. Sending her children to school. Having a home built. And more.
The comments on the reel are so encouraging - cheering Lillian on and letting her know how proud they are of her hard work. I had to share these with her.

And so, I contacted Lillian and told her how people loved her story. I read her the comments. She was overwhelmed - you can watch her reaction in this reel shown below. And I love, that Lillian's reaction is for more work. Not handouts - but job creation. Lillian makes many things - but her main project is our stretch bead bracelets - or as she calls them "bling bling". And so, we would love to sell out of these bracelets so we can order more. And more. And more.... creating steady work for Lillian and her family.
When we met Lillian over a decade ago - she asked, "I can make things, but who can I sell it to?" Together, we have created a marketplace for creations by herself and so many other talented artisans. Which creates dignified income opportunities. A hand up rather than a hand out. This is world changing fashion.
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