Tonia is an incredibly talented, well known newborn photographer. She has found a way of using her skills as a photographer to give back to those who have experienced the incredible loss of a baby. Such a gift!
JustOne Introduction

JustOne Way to Give Back
I have been a volunteer photographer for a foundation called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep - for over 7 years. This is my way to give back by being able to take precious images of little angels who will never get to leave the hospital. Images that parents would never otherwise have.
JustOne Reason
I love babies. So much that my heart couldn't bare losing my baby...and so many families never get to take their babies home...and I wanted to be able to help ease that pain even if only a small bit. Since I am a newborn photographer, what better way to give back than to give priceless images to these families <3
JustOne thing learned
I have learned that I am strong - but that my heart still breaks. I have learned that having a faith in a God who is larger than life, gets me through every story that I am involved in with every family. I have learned that my heart really is in giving back and doing what I can to help people.
JustOne Inspiration
Truly - any book that teaches me more about God, His plan, His works...keeps me wanting more and wanting to DO more! The Bible is a great start!
JustOne Thought
Give with your whole heart. Not out of obligation...but out of desire and NEED and WANT to help others whole heartedly! Just keep on loving...

Know someone who is giving back we should feature? Please share this link with them!
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