Our vision at JustOne is two fold... to support the people who made our products financially... but also to raise awareness to their stories and start to make a difference. Someone compliments your JustOne necklace, you share the story of women widowed by AIDS trying to raise 6 children, of former child soldiers working to regain their dignity, of children abandoned and orphaned. Stories that are hard to hear... but important to know. And as you share the story - you enter the story. And you never know - the person you share with, may be JustOne person - but they may decide to get involved. To make change happen. To support.
We ask people to send in their photos of themselves with their JustOne purchase. We feel it's so important for the people who make these products to be able to see that we are not just throwing you money from our Western homes... we value you and your handiwork. We think what you create is beautiful, and wear it. We offer you a hand up not a hand out. We do actually wear and use these items you painstakingly create - and we wear them with pride.
Sometimes when people send us their photo, they'll also include an email. Loved this one from Rikki-Lee she gave me permission to share... beautiful.
"Here is my photo of wearing my new JustOne necklace at work! I love it; the necklace brightens up my teacher wardrobe and my students love it! It gave me the opportunity to share the woman's story with them that made this necklace. It made me smile to myself yesterday when a grade 8 student asked me about my necklace, and another grade 8 boy (who heard me talk about it earlier in the week) chimed in and told them where it was from and who made it! This was your average "tough jock". I was very impressed!"
Thank you Rikki-Lee for making a difference - in the lives of the women who made this necklace, but also your students! Making them aware of issues outside of their familiar surroundings, and planting the seeds of future world changers!

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