This morning I went to an assembly at my daughters' school where four time Olympic medalist Becky Keller was speaking. Becky had attended our little country school as a student - and now has gone on to achieve her Olympic dreams. Becky has 3 gold medals and a silver medal from Olympic hockey. Her talk was about setting goals, not giving up if you fail and working hard to achieve your dreams. I went for my daughters sake but I left feeling inspired and encouraged myself. It reminded me of our good friends Jack and Nelson and others in the Victorious Group in Kenya. They had a dream of teaching skills to youth in Kibera slums to provide employment and...
It's Spring. It may not feel like Spring... but they tell me it is. And with Spring comes new life rising up from the ground. Old being made new once again. Our "zuku" line comes from the swahili word for "arise". The jewelry is made from leftover bones from the butcher. These scraps once considered worthless come to life in a new and beautiful way through the work of our Kenyan artisans. Made into stunning jewelry. Likewise our artisans have faced struggles through poverty, lack of education, poor health... but their lives are also being restored. Made beautiful. The old being made new once again. Zuku!